Arco Iris en el Desierto
Pachacutec, Callao (2010)
Edible Schoolyard & Kitchen Classroom in Public Elementary School no. 129
We joined the initiative of renowned Peruvian
chef Gaston Acurio to build an orchard and a kitchen in the premises of the
Early Childhood Education Centre No.129. With support from the Ministry of
Social Inclusion and the teachers and parents of the centre, we created an
environment where children of 3-5 years old could connect with our
biodiversity, learn to grow ingredients and cook local recipes.
By going
through this learning process with their teachers, parents and grandparents,
the children’s sense of identity is strengthened, whilst equally teaching them
to love healthy flavours that can be enjoyed with their peers.
All these activities
are contained within the Arco Iris design, even further improved with a view
out to the sea from its window.
You might ask, but how do you cultivate in
the sand, without water? To overcome this, we devised alternative and
resourceful techniques for soil generation and irrigation with the agronomist
Luis Camacho, who also chose a variety of crops that require little water. On
top of the garden we built a small kitchen/classroom.
Watch a film on Arco Iris en el Desierto here
DESIGN TEAM: César Becerra, Fernando Puente Arnao, Manuel de Rivero with Eduardo Peláez, Favio Chumpitaz, Karina León, Daniel Aristizábal.SURFACE: 1000m2 (plot), 54 m2 (built), 246 m2 (edible garden)
LOCATION: Ventanilla, Callao, Perú
YEAR: 2013
CONSTRUCTIÓN: Freddy Ramos with the help of the students’ parents
ADVISORS: Gastón Acurio (chef), Luis Camacho (agricultural engineer), Emilio Rueda (structural engineer)
CLIENT: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social
PHOTOGRAPHY: 51-1 and Mauricio Freyre