Miraflores, Lima (2008)
Print Shop & Graphic Designer offices
La Mar street in Miraflores, is in a radical transformation process. From a rough neighborhood of automotive garages and repair workshops with metal shutters, to trendy restaurants and glazed design stores. We were commissioned to design a new building for a print shop and open floor offices for graphic designers. The plot entailed a long and narrow (6m. x 40m.) 4 story structure with maximum working areas and minimum circulation spaces. We wanted to add a piece that preserved the original feeling of the area, so avoided a facade with the ubiquitous office glass curtain wall for a rougher perforated shutter wall, which could also be used as a low-tech billboard. So seasonally the building gets cheaply customized by the graphic designers, simply inserting plastic studs as pixels in the perforations.
DESIGN TEAM: César Becerra, Manuel de Rivero, Fernando Puente Arnao
SURFACE: 700 m2
LOCATION: Miraflores, Lima
YEAR: 2008
CLIENT: Ilustra Consultores
Miraflores, Lima (2008)
Print Shop & Graphic Designer offices
La Mar street in Miraflores, is in a radical transformation process. From a rough neighborhood of automotive garages and repair workshops with metal shutters, to trendy restaurants and glazed design stores. We were commissioned to design a new building for a print shop and open floor offices for graphic designers. The plot entailed a long and narrow (6m. x 40m.) 4 story structure with maximum working areas and minimum circulation spaces. We wanted to add a piece that preserved the original feeling of the area, so avoided a facade with the ubiquitous office glass curtain wall for a rougher perforated shutter wall, which could also be used as a low-tech billboard. So seasonally the building gets cheaply customized by the graphic designers, simply inserting plastic studs as pixels in the perforations.